Backwards incompatible changes

In development version

In keeping with Django 1.3’s new support for static media files, the location of olwidget’s media has changed, to:


In addition, the OLWIDGET_MEDIA_URL setting has been renamed OLWIDGET_STATIC_URL, and templates rendered by olwidget now receive STATIC_URL instead of MEDIA_URL as context. The setting STATIC_URL is also required. This has the potential to break symlinks to olwidget’s static media files.

The olwidget CSS class names have been changed to be prefixed with “olwidget”, to avoid colliding with other generic class names like “container”. Custom css that expects to select olwidget’s elements will need to be updated to use olwidget-prefixed names.

Since Google Maps API v2 is now deprecated, olwidget has switched to Google Maps API v3. Customizations that depend on Google Maps v2 will need to be updated to use v3 instead.

In version 0.6

Support for Django less than 1.4 is removed.

In version 0.4

Version 0.4 represents a complete overhaul of olwidget to build in support for multiple vector layers. As such, chances are high that v0.4 will break any custom extensions that make use of undocumented implementation details. However, the public, documented API from v0.3 is compatible with v0.4. The following are notable changes that have a higher probability of breaking your app if you did customization.

django-olwidget changes

  • The template format and context variables used in the templates have changed, which will break custom map rendering templates.
  • The ID’s used for form elements have changed, which will break custom javascript that accesses form elements directly.

olwidget.js changes

  • map.vector_layer no longer exists; it has been replaced with an array, map.vector_layers.
  • olwidget.js now uses version 2.9 of the OpenLayers API. Django users should get this change automatically, but olwidget.js users will have to change their script tags for the OpenLayers import.

In version 0.3

django-olwidget changes

  • 2009-04-13: Changed the media for the olwidget app to live in “olwidget/media/olwidget/...” by default, in accordance with the convention proposed by django-staticmedia (thanks to skyl for suggesting this good idea). This doesn’t change any URLs, but it has the potential to break symlink paths from previous installations.

In version 0.2

django-olwidget changes

  • olwidget.widgets.OLWidget has been renamed olwidget.widgets.EditableMap

  • The "olwidget/olwidget.html" template has been renamed "olwidget/editable_map.html"

  • The admin.custom_geo_admin method has been removed. Instead, just subclass olwidget.admin.GeoModelAdmin.

  • olwidget.admin No longer inherits from django.contrib.admin. The old way:

    from olwidget import admin
    # no longer works, admin.GeoModelAdmin)

    Instead, import admin from django.contrib as normal, and import GeoModelAdmin from olwidget, like this:

    from django.contrib import admin
    from olwidget.admin import GeoModelAdmin, GeoModelAdmin)

olwidget.js changes

  • olwidget.Map has been renamed olwidget.EditableMap

  • Many of the options parameters’ names have changed, mostly to conform to OpenLayers’ mixedCase standard:

    • default_lat is now defaultLat
    • default_lon is now defaultLon
    • default_zoom is now defaultZoom
    • overlay_style is now overlayStyle
    • map_class is now mapDivClass (note addition of “Div”)
    • map_style is now mapDivStyle (note addition of “Div”)
    • map_options is now mapOptions
    • is_collection is now isCollection
    • hide_textarea is now hideTextarea
    • 'yahoo' map layer is now called ''

    All internal methods and variables have also changed to use mixedCase.

  • Map types now inherit from OpenLayers.Map. This affects javascript customizations that access the base map type.

    The old way:

    var mymap = new olwidget.Map('textareaId');;

    The new way:

    var mymap = new olwidget.EditableMap('textareaId');