.. _examples: Examples ~~~~~~~~ The following are examples of using ``olwidget.js`` in HTML pages. See :doc:`olwidget.js` for standalone javascript documentation, and :doc:`django-olwidget` for use in Django. In addition, the source distribution contains an example project called ``test_project`` which illustrates use of the Django app. Editable Maps ------------- * `Simple example <_static/examples/simple.html>`_ * `Collections <_static/examples/collection.html>`_ of multiple geometries (e.g. more than one linestring at once). * Read only maps and `multiple maps per page <_static/examples/read_only_and_multiple_maps.html>`_ * Custom `starting locations and colors <_static/examples/custom_start_point_and_colors.html>`_ * `Other map providers <_static/examples/other_providers.html>`_, including Google, Yahoo, Bing Maps (formerly Microsoft VE), OpenStreetMaps, MetaCarta, and CloudMade. * `Multiple geometry types <_static/examples/multiple_geometries.html>`_ * `Other projections <_static/examples/other_projections.html>`_ Info Maps --------- * `Info popups over geometries <_static/examples/info_geometries.html>`_ * `Clustered points <_static/examples/info_cluster.html>`_ * Popups `inside and outside map viewport <_static/examples/info_inside_outside.html>`_ * Info map with `image markers <_static/examples/info_markers.html>`_ * Info map with `different styles per geometry <_static/examples/info_per_point_style.html>`_ * Info map with `clustered points and per-geometry styles <_static/examples/info_cluster_per_point_style.html>`_ Multiple Vector Layer Maps -------------------------- * Map with `both info layers and editable layers <_static/examples/multi_info_and_editable.html>`_ * Map demonstrating `style inheritance <_static/examples/multi_style_inheritance.html>`_ using individual geometry, layer, and map styles.